And this is my life at the moment... I'm eating terribly! In my previous flats, I've always lived with at least one really good cook (And i'm not talking about you - Kelvin!). But now I'm living by myself... I'm getting lazy :( My mum has tried to help my by sending me the Jamie Oliver's "Ministry of Food". And I've cooked a few of these recipes... but not enough!
So I am going to make a vow! I will not eat any sweets, crisps, fizzy drink or chocolate for the next month.
On other matters - my camera broke :( So I'm going to have to buy one in the next couple of weeks - but what should I get??? I'm thinking one from the Canon IS series... anyone know anything about buying digital cameras?
Ok, better go cook some couscous and moroccan lamb!
Ooh, you're the newest spot on my map! It was great meeting you, late night information sharing and all.
Nice blog, sorry that we screwed with your vow (although I seem to remember that you had nachos before you got here). Feel free to drop by anytime and we'll provide some real food for you.
I can't believe you outed me! how ironic that you caught me eating nachos...
thanks for the message and see you for konninginendag! I've just got to work out what colour clothes to wear ;)
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