Monday, June 22, 2009

The details...

So after a week to debrief and settle back into 'normal' life, I'm now ready to give the details of my trip to the Balkans.

In case you can't be bothered reading everything here's the summary (Don't worry, I won't be offended!)
Bulgaria - surprisingly modern - funky student town clubbing area - beautiful scenery. Great to go to a Bulgarian Church.

Serbia - spent 24 hours there - and around 18 of those hours in the hostel - it was fun!

Bosnia - AMAZING - favourite country and biggest surprise. beautiful scenery, intriguing history and lovely people. two thumbs up

Croatia - fun times on the boat - very cramped - great weather - sunburn/peeling/tan :) beautiful cities.
Beginning at the Beginning
I started my trip in Sofia, very daunted by the idea of travelling for a week by myself (I haven't done much backpacking before!). The first day I got there I met some girls in my room who were friendly and fun, so spent the next day hanging out in a Monestry in the mountain rain forests 2 hours drive outside of Sofia. That night we went to a very random student town. It's based in the middle of nowhere, with communist student buildings surrounding about 4 or 5 clubs. It was fun!
I then went to Veliko Tarnovo which was a much more scenic city than Sofia. I managed to meet up with a church there who were taking part in world prayer day, and it was great to see them worship. I listen to them sing "Great is our God" and "Ancient of Days" in Bulgarian - strange, but cool!

I took an overnight train (surprisingly painless) and went to Belgrade, Serbia. I arrived early in the morning and tried to look around the city and the sites with a guy I met on the train who randomly was also going to be my room mate on the cruise in Croatia. It was ok, but not as nice as the other places I visited - plus it was raining. So we went back to the hostel, and met up with some hilarious Irishmen. We had a great time chilling in the hostel - and that was my serbian experience.

I then went to Sarajevo, Bosnia. I stayed at an awesome hostel and learnt a heap about the history of the seige of Sarajevo. Incredibily interesting and moving. To hear how these people survived in state of war for 4 years - in the the 90s!!! I could say a lot more - but it would be far better if you just go yourself if you haven't already! Do it!

Again, beautiful scenery in Bosnia made it a great trip from Sarajevo to Mostar. I arrived in Mostar at 9 in the morning and went straight away on the most full on one day tour ever! we learnt heaps from our awesome tour guide, jumped off an 11 meter bridge, swam below a waterfall, mucked around on the rope swing, drank coffee with a bosnian grandmother, eat out at an amazing restuarant, and then checked out the second largest freshwater source in europe. got back to the hostel at 12:30am - bus leaves at 6am :(

Croatia was a week of sunshine, boating, hanging out with some great people and drinking a few cocktails (not too many mum!). I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story.

And to end my holiday, I spent a night in Bristol, England with Sarah and Dave :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, looks like an awesome trip!
