So I've settled in to my new life here in Eindhoven in the Netherlands!
It's been a busy 6 weeks, getting used to culture, the work, the language (!) and the travel! I'm trying to see as much in the year that I've been contracted to work here.
So here's a quick brief of what I've done so far:
Catching up with long lost family! I last met my mum's family when i was 5... obviously I can't remember much. So it was fantastic to meet my Uncle, Aunt and little cousin. I spent a weekend with them in Brussels (a beautiful city!) and also I spent a fantastic 4 days with them in Paris seeing the sights.

I also managed to catch up with a cousin in Utrecht (Another beautiful city in Holland) I learnt how to say gracht (not easy!) I ate harring (one bite - sorry but it was disgusting!) And I saw the coolest busker ever! This video does not do him justice. It was an amazing atmosphere, as everyone just stopped what they were doing to watch him
I caught up with Bridget (former tasmanian engineer - now professional jet setting traveller). We saw the sights in Amsterdam and got to celebrate Sinterklas (Dutch Saint Nicholas) with waffels, olie bollen and speculas! We managed to fit in a trip to Antwerp as well, where we had for some fine Belgian beers.

I then met up with Anissa and Dave (engineers and newly weds from port pirie!) in Cologne. The Dom, Christmas Markets, Gluwein, Rhiebukchen and the Beer Halls were all highlights - must go back soon!

For New Year's I went back to Paris to catch up with Fadwa. Fadwa is a good friend from Port Pirie - well actually from Morocco/France, but she did a 6 month internship at Nyrstar in Port Pirie. She's now working in France and we had a great time catching up, travelling around with her friend Vincent, visiting old castles in Tours.

The weekends are going very fast, but I feel very lucky to be travelling and seeing these amazing places! I'd love to write more about each place, but unfortunately I'm too tired - I will try and be more descriptive in the future!